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Terms of Use


The website is an online store selling services over the Internet (hereinafter referred to as the online store or website) created and operated by the Special Account for Research Funds of the Democritus University of Thrace (ELKE). It is established and operates in each Higher Educational Institution (HEI) for the management and utilization of scientific research funds, education, training, technological development and innovation, as well as the provision of related services, to achieve its purpose (Law 4485/4-8-2017, Government Gazette 114, no. 50).

The purpose of ELKE is to manage and allocate funds from any source, as well as its own resources, intended to cover expenses of any kind necessary for the needs of implementing research, educational, training, development projects, and continuing training projects, seminars and conferences, providing scientific, technological and artistic services, conducting special and clinical studies, performing tests, measurements, laboratory examinations and analyses, providing opinions, drafting specifications on behalf of third parties, designing and implementing scientific, research, cultural and development programs as well as other related services, for the benefit of the HEI.

The following terms and conditions will apply to the use of the online store under the trademark located at the electronic address Every user who enters and transacts or uses the services of the online store (hereinafter referred to for brevity as "visitor" or "user" or "customer" depending on whether they limit themselves to a visit to the store or make an order and sale of services) is deemed to consent and unconditionally accept the following terms expressed here, without any exception. If a user does not agree with these terms, then they are responsible for refraining from visiting, using the website and from any transaction or use of the services of the online store.

General Terms

ELKE reserves the right to freely modify or revise the terms and conditions of use and transactions from the online store, whenever it deems necessary, and undertakes the obligation to inform consumers of any changes through the pages of this online store. Contracts through the online store are drafted in the Greek language.

Provided Information & Services

ELKE commits to the accuracy, truthfulness, and completeness of the information presented in the online store regarding ELKE's identity and the transactions provided through the online store. ELKE, within the context of good faith, is not liable for and is not bound by electronic data entries made by error/mistake according to common experience and is entitled to correct these whenever it perceives their existence.

Limitation of Liability

Within the context of its transactions from the online store, ELKE is not liable for and does not have any obligation for compensation for any damage or harm resulting from the cancellation of orders, from non-execution or delay in their execution, for any reason. The online store provides the content (e.g., information, names, photos, depictions), the services available through the website "as is". In no case is ELKE liable civilly or criminally for any damage (positive, special, or consequential, which indicatively but not restrictively, alternatively or cumulatively consists of loss of profits, data, missed profits, financial satisfaction, etc.) that any visitor of the online store or third party may suffer from a cause related to the operation or non-operation and/or use of the website or/and inability to provide services and/or information available from it or/and from any unauthorized interventions by third parties in services and/or information available through it.

Intellectual Property Rights

All the content of the online store, including titles, trademarks, images, graphics, photos, designs, texts, etc., constitute the intellectual property of ELKE and are protected under the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law, and international conventions or the intellectual property of third parties for which ELKE has obtained a license for its own exclusive needs and for the operation of the online store. Any copying, transfer, or creation of a derivative work based on this content or misleading the public about the real provider of the online store is prohibited. Reproduction, re-publication, uploading, announcement, dissemination, or transmission or any other use of the content in any way or means for commercial or other purposes is allowed only with the prior written consent of ELKE or any other legal owner of the copyrights. The names, images, logos, and distinctive features listed and describing the online store under the trademark or ELKE services or third parties constitute property of ELKE or the respective third parties, protected by the relevant trademark laws. Their use in the online store does not grant any license or right to use them by third parties.

User Responsibility

The user/customer agrees and undertakes to use the services, information, and data of the online store as provided by law and based on the rules of good faith and fair dealing. They are obliged not to use the online store for: Sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or transmitting by other means any content that is illegal for any reason, causes unlawful offense and harm to ELKE or any third party or violates the confidentiality or privacy of information of any person. Sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or transmitting by other means any content that offends the users' morals, social values, minor age, etc. Sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or transmitting by other means any content for which users do not have the right to transmit under law or applicable contracts (such as inside information, proprietary and confidential information acquired or disclosed as part of employment relationships or covered under confidentiality agreements). Sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or transmitting by other means any content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other proprietary rights of third parties of any kind. Sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or transmitting by other means any material that contains software viruses or any other codes, files or programs designed to interrupt, damage, destroy or limit the functionality of any software or hardware of computers. Intentional or unintentional violation of the applicable legislation or its provisions. Harassing third parties in any way. Collecting or storing personal data about other users.

Limited License, under the terms and conditions set forth herein and all applicable laws and regulations, grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, personal, limited right to access, use, and display this website and its contents. This license does not constitute a transfer of title to the website and its elements and is subject to the following restrictions: (1) you must retain on all copies of the website and its elements all copyright and other proprietary notices and (2) you may not modify the website and its elements in any way or reproduce or publicly display, or distribute or otherwise use the website and its elements for any public or commercial purpose unless otherwise permitted herein.

Links to the Website

The links (links) included in the online store, lead to pages of the store or in some cases lead the user to navigate from it (online store) to third-party websites, businesses, etc. The associated websites are not under the control of ELKE and ELKE is not responsible for the contents of any such website or any link contained in an associated website, or any changes or updates to such websites. ELKE is not responsible for webcasting or any form of transmission received from any linked website. ELKE provides these links in the online store only to facilitate the use of the online store, their use is not mandatory for the visitor/customer and the fact that they are included in the online store does not imply that ELKE approves or accepts their content.


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